Who benefits from Tourism?
EVERYONE. It is vital to the local and state
economy and here's why:
Tourism is the top industry in Door County. Workers here are
employed almost entirely by small businesses in travel and tourism
related jobs that can't be outsourced or exported. Employees use
their wages to purchase goods and services, including housing,
transportation, food, clothing, healthcare and entertainment. The
money invested into our local economy by tourists circulates
throughout our economy several times over, providing an ongoing
economic impact that would disappear entirely without tourism.
Tourism impacts every community in Door County and it requires
balancing the costs and benefits of tourism against the preservation
of our communities and our quality of life. Room Tax is an important
part of that balance as it funds tourism promotion which generates
more tourism and sustains quality of life in Door County. Destination
marketing campaigns create a "halo effect," lifting not only
visitorship, but driving business development, real estate sales, and
the purchase of second homes.
TOURISM WORKS FOR US: Why is destination marketing
important and why should Room Tax fund it?
Many visitors are drawn to Door County by its natural beauty and
historical attractions. Other have yet to discover Door County and all
it has to offer. Individual businesses are responsible for marketing
their own businesses, but destination marketing must create the
overall interest in this special location to help businesses more
effectively market themselves.
Room Tax revenue helps pay for this by providing the mechanism
that ensures the ongoing funding for the marketing of Door County.
This destination marketing is essential to growing and sustaining
tourism. In the competitive marketplace where travelers have many
options, Destination Marketing Funds (room tax revenue) allow Door
County to be marketed and represented. Prior to 2007, Door
County's marketing entity, the D CVB, had a marketing budget of less
than $200,000 in comparison to 2015's budget of $2.7 million from
room tax revenues.
Door County Tourism Zone Commission